x stoform textiles


stoform textiles : In collaboration with a textile company in Korea, we are developing new RPET and biodegradable eco-friendly fabrics. Together, we are creating over 100 unique patterns and colors. CHIPS, a resource to inspire designers' mood boards, now includes these newly developed fabrics. Introducing the first c h i p s collection! It's filled with over 50 one-of-a-kind fabric options in a variety of colors, materials, and patterns. You can use these chips to create stunning mood boards and designs.

photo - cloudandco

Stoform x Yeongkyu YOO : Dedicated to Sustainable Development

Stoform, in collaboration with Yeongkyu YOO, is making various efforts and considerations to minimize environmental impact. We aim to create positive changes in everyday life through a harmonious blend of sustainable approaches and design philosophy. This collaboration focuses on realizing sustainability throughout the entire product lifecycle, contributing to a better future.

photo - cloudandco

As a bio-degradable material, it minimizes environmental impact and easily breaks down in nature.